

The city of San Diego did not require an EIR be conducted in conjunction with the lease to Surf Cup. This is the subject of a current lawsuit filed by the Friends of the San Dieguito River Valley. We believe the current usage is having a negative impact on the natural waterways and sensitive lands of the San Dieguito River Valley and alongside the Coast to Crest Trail. Surf Cup pledged to restore and complete the section of the Coast to Crest Trail when they were granted their lease. This has yet to happen.

CEQA issues that have not been addressed due to lack of an EIR include:

  • Traffic

  • Noise

  • Biological Resources

  • Water Quality

  • Air Quality

  • Dust Emissions

  • Land Use and Planning

  • Public Services

Five permanent construction trailers have been installed, along with unsightly fencing surrounding the entire field. This effectively cuts off the natural wildlife corridors across the valley.

Significant grading has occurred on the fields, along with installation of irrigation equipment.

Additionally, after heavy rains people have observed workers pumping water from the fields into the roadside culverts, which is prohibited.

Read the update for more information about the pumping.
